Only Milk
Only Milk a Family Company
Only Milk is dedicated to provide a healthy alternative to people looking to go fully organic and get what the body really needs, nutrients . While traditional milks like cow or goats milk provide a Hefty amount of calcium and vitamans, Only Milk will provide an alternative for children and adults. Human breast milk is a valuable commodity and we will treat it that way. With the baby food shortages mothers who overproduce will have a method for open market distribution and consumers will have an all natural alternative.
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Whats in your milk?
Cows milk can have:
E. coli
and much more. Natural humans breast milk reduces your risk of endangerment.
Help Bring back America to its Roots
In 1930 Milk delivery was common providing Americans with home delivery long before Uber eats and Post-mates came on the scene. We want to bring America back to its glory days.
In 1934 our founders Great Great Grand Pappy started a milk delivery company that provided local milk to all the housewives in the area. We want to bring back that dream.